2020 Presidential Election in America

The 2020 American election is a foundational viewpoint of the American system of propaganda and how offensive versus defensive tactics work in relation to the American public. There was within this election a different style of propaganda seen throughout media. Much of this style of propaganda came from a Politcal Action Comittee (a PAC) known as the Lincoln Project. 

The Lincoln Project which is a republican founded comittee was dedicated to ensuring that President Donald J. Trump was not re-elected into office during the 2020 election. The presidential candidate they would endorse would be the democratic candidate, Joseph R. Biden. The clash of style and their ultimate message to their eudience is what sets the Lincoln Project and the Joe Biden Campaign far apart from one another, even with similar end goals. 

Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States of America 

Joseph R. Biden is the former vice president to the Obama administration from 2009 to 2017. He and his wife Dr. Jill Biden are members of the Democratic party of America. Joseph R. Biden won the 2020 election and has been sworn in to become the 46th president of the United States as of Janurary 20th of 2021.

His Vice President is Kamala Harris, the first women to hold the office of Vice President, as well as the first person of Asian and/or Black descent to hold the office. 

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of the United States from 2017 until 2021. He and his wife Melania are former business people with large propety interests across the United States as well as internationally, and are members of the Republican party of America.

His Vice President was Mike Pence, who was the former governor of the state of Indiana.
