Confederate History

The issues with confederate symbols, flags, or memorials are issues that mostly occur in the U.S because this is the location where it originated from. Before the United States became a country of the fifty states it had to go through a process and the process continues today in how it can be a better country. The U.S. is a country that is still young according to its date of establishment compared to other countries in the world. The earlier years of the U.S.’s history had problems that they ran into because they were still developing the country. It is normal that people may have different ideas and ways of living in a community because of the different origins that they have compared with their neighbor. There was conflict between the states in over slavery and legislation that was due because of the land out West that the U.S. gained and other factors. These differences of ideas escalated into the Civil War a year later after the Southern states seceded from the Northern states to create the Confederacy in 1860.
